If you've ever wanted to turn some of your best improv scenes into sketches, now is your chance! In this workshop, we will spend the first half improvising, then putting our favorite ones onto paper in the latter half. Whether taking inspiration from a scene you saw or writing it exactly as it happened, everything is possible here. Writing skills are a plus but not necessary.
Bring a notebook and pencil.
Where: Sperrstrasse 67
When: May 11th
Cost: 75CHF per adult participant
50CHF for students
Time: 1PM-4PM

Instructor: Carrie Aikman
Carrie Aikman hails from 'Merica, most recently Los Angeles, where she discovered and fell in love with improv. After training at the Groundlings, she continued with classes, eventually performing with two groups in and around LA. After moving abroad in 2015 and missing her 'weird theatre friends,' she was enormously happy to meet the folks at Boutique Theatre, who offered her the chance to be a total dork again among people who 'get' her. Carrie was a regular contributor on RadioX here in Basel and is excited to continue to work her acting and improv muscles again in Switzerland.